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  • Use case approved by sponsor entity
  • MediZues is HIPAA compliant and authorized to handle PHI. All data is fully encrypted in transit and at rest.


  • Contact the disenrolling beneficiary to conduct a disenrollment survey for quality improvement purposes. As referenced in 42 CFR 422.2264(a)(2)(iv)(B)
  • Agents/brokers calling clients who are enrolled in other products they may sell, such as automotive or home insurance. As referenced in 42 CFR 422.2264(b)(1)(iv)

Our Philosophy

Giving agents more data reduces anxiety and makes business more predictable.

And we'll make another unrelated statement:
Complaints happen when beneficiaries get switched to a new plan without knowing it.

We’re a Data Company, Not a Sales Trainer

"What do I do now that I see that my client is leaving?!"

Go ask your upline.

Inspired by Humana

The early inspiration for MediZues came from Humana's "Future Terms" report on Vantage.

View All Customers > Consumer Insights > Future Terms

We made a tool that works cross-carrier and shows the future plan.