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LTV is Everything.

Without MediZues

Avg persistency of MAPD client
Avg LTV of MAPD client


With MediZues

Avg persistency of MAPD client
Avg LTV of MAPD client

1 year of production, projected 5 years:

Without MediZues

With MediZues

Agent Example 1 year
MAPD production /yr 250
Avg annual persistency 75%
MAPDs actually paid commission /yr 187.5
Agent commission $300
Agent commission year 1 $56,250
Agent commission year 2 $42,188
Agent commission year 3 $31,641
Agent commission year 4 $23,730
Agent commission year 5 $17,798
Total Agent commision years 1-5 $171,606
Agent Example 1 year
MAPDs /yr 250
Avg annual persistency 90%
MAPDs actually paid commission /yr 225
Agent commission $300
Agent commission year 1 $67,500
Agent commission year 2 $60,750
Agent commission year 3 $54,675
Agent commission year 4 $49,208
Agent commission year 5 $44,287
Total Agent commision years 1-5 $276,419



More commission over 5 years

Monitoring your book of business

It’s non-compliant to call a MAPD client after they’ve switched to a new plan, but it’s totally fine to do so while they’re still your client!

Process your entire BoB in one click. See who will be starting a new MAPD with a future effective date. Take action before the flip occurs.

New enrollment applications

You just met with a new client and signed them up for a new plan. See that their enrollment application got approved by CMS and is ready to go for its effective date.

Prospects that you didn’t close

The prospect is happy with their current plan and doesn’t want to change, but they want to keep you nearby as their agent. You get a PTC and MAF signed. You monitor their plan and contact them if they sign up for another one!

Changes in LIS

Your client got awarded LIS? Make sure that they’re on the proper plan that takes advantage of LIS! And if they lost LIS, make sure they’re in the appropriate plan before they get surprised at the pharmacy.

Changes in Medicaid

Your client got awarded Medicaid? Enroll them in a D-SNP before someone else does! And if they lost Medicaid or went from Full to Partial, make sure that they’re in the appropriate plan.

Client is switching MAPDs.
Client is switching PDPs.
View LIS level (partial or full)
Client has Tricare
Client is not switching 🙂
Client is switching to a different version of Humana Gold Plus.
View Medicaid level (partial or full).
Client is switching DSNPs from HMO to PPO with United Healthcare.
Client is switching from PDP to MAPD. If they have a supplement it will become dormant and non-billable by providers and hospitals. The MAPD will be primary with no secondary.

Take it for a test drive

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